Kuda Villingili Resort to have a fun-filled experience!
When it comes to recreation and leisure Kuda Villingili Resort has a lot to offer to the guests. They have an extensive pool that stretches 150-metres with palm trees surrounding the pool area. You can get a nice tan on the sunbeds lined near the pool and simply just enjoy the view relishing in one of the private shaded cabanas sipping a mocktail.
The resort has two courts where the guests can play matches and the property itself hosts daily competitions and games. Why not challenge your friends and family who you’re vacaying with to a game of billiard or chess right?
For the guests who loves fun-filled activities like kite surfing, Big game fishing, Lift electric foil where you can get to experience flying over the water, then Kuda Villingili Resort is the place for you to indulge in all that!