The top 5 Instagram Traveling Influencer Couples are:
Marie Fe and Jake Snow's lifestyles look magical on their Instagram account. From Australia to the Maldives, Bali to Morocco, this pair has brought their fans along on their voyage from the beginning. Both having an insatiable desire to travel, public first saw Jake in a group photo Marie shared on Instagram on July 31, 2016 from Bali. In August of that year, he was seen sliding into the corner of another, which became a frequent occurrence from September 2016 forward, with their Instagram accounts merging into one.

The Portuguese travelers Raquel Janeiro, 25, and Miguel Mimoso, 31, better known on Instagram as Explorerssaurus, consider the globe as their garden. Their Instagram account, which began in August of 2017, now has over 1.2 million followers, and over 900 inspiring photos and endless adventures. Raquel travelled to Valencia as an Erasmus student, which sparked the couple's travels. They planned to get together once a month and spend two to three days getting to know a new city. Valencia was the first stop, followed by Marrakech, Barcelona, Milan, Venice, Frankfurt, and Paris. At the end of her Erasmus, she traveled to Portugal, but the globe remained unknown. That was the start of the experience.

Hannah and Nick are two Dutch creatives who own the brand Salt in our Hair, which specializes in "travel content production." Salt in our Hair began on Instagram as a result of their love of travel, photography, and sharing experiences. Since May 2016, they have set the objective of capturing the world in such a manner that individuals see more than just their 9-to-5 work.

Bram (33) and Manon (32) are an adventurous pair that travel full-time across the world. In their quest for happiness, they have taken two round-the-world travels. The travel couple are Caribbean based content creators.

Mish and Kirk met five years ago via their shared passion for photography and travel. They are usually located off the main path, finding natural beauty on land and water. They are based in South Australia, where they feel at ease, but enjoy a good road trip. They've wanted to travel for a long time, to learn about various cultures and ways of life, to help those in need, to save the environment, to lessen their carbon footprint, and to see as much of the world as possible.